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NoodleTools (citation tool) and How It Works: Annotations

This guide will help you create your Kirtland NoodleTools ID and understand some of the NoodleTools features.

Create Annotations

When you want or need to add an annotation to a source, you can do so on either the source form when you first record the source information, or later on the sources page.

On the source form, to add an annotation, click the button "Save & Add annotation."


A pop-up annotation box will appear.


Annotations will auto-save as you type. To view earlier edits of you annotation, click "Manage versions" in the lower right corner of the box (1). A list of earlier versions will appear to the right of the annotation. Select the most recent edit (2).

Edit (or Add an Annotation from the Sources page)

To edit or add an annotation, click the "Options" button next to the citation on the Sources screen, then choose "Edit Annotation" from its drop down menu:

Prepare to Print with Annotations

Formatting Options lets you select how you want your annotated sources to be displayed.  You will see Formatting Options as the last choice of the Print/Export drop menu on the sources page.

Formatting Options - MLA


List Title: You do not usually need to change this, but you can change the title of your bibliography page here. What is shown across from List Title is what will appear at the top of your list of sources.

Page Header:  You do not usually need to change this.  You can usually leave it without a header.  Not having a header lets you copy and paste your bibliography into your paper, maintaining the header and page numbering you have in the rest of your paper.  If you do want to add a header to your bibliography, you can do that here.

Annotation Spacing: Lets you choose between starting your annotation on a new line or on the same line as your citation.  In MLA this depends on the length of the annotation.  Click on Annotation Spacing for information to help you decide where your citation should start.

Include: Print citations and annotations or print citations only (no annotations) – Choose which way you want your source list printed.

URLs: Allows you to include or exclude URLs

Formatting Options - APA


List Title: You do not usually need to change this, but you can change the title of your bibliography page here. What is shown across from List Title is what will appear at the top of your list of sources.

Page Header:  You do not usually need to change this.  You can usually leave it without a header.  Not having a header lets you copy and paste your bibliography into your paper, maintaining the header and page numbering you have in the rest of your paper.  If you do want to add a header to your bibliography, you can do that here.

Include: Print citations and annotations or print citations only (no annotations) – Choose which way you want your source list printed.

Annotation Help from Noodletools

Page adapted from NoodleTools Help.