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MUS 101 - Music History & Appreciation: Find Books

MUS 101

Kirtland Library Catalog


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Try these subjects/terms when searching the Kirtland Catalog, databases, or eBook collections to find information on your topic:

Motown The Beatles Christian Jazz Country
Mozart Beethoven Chopin Yo-Yo Ma Classical
Rock and Roll Punk Hip Hop Placido Dimingo Jose Carrras
Luciano Pavarotti Neil Diamond Barry Manilow BeeGees Pink
Stevie Nicks Loretta Lynn Dolly Parton Adele Sheryl Crow

Kirtland Library Catalog (4:31)

A Sample of What's On the Shelves of the Kirtland Library

The Chronicle of Jazz
Why Classical Music Still Matters
Christian Music
Before Elvis
Before Motown
Country Music USA
Music in the USA
Stardust Melody
Concise History of Western Music