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Camp Grayling Restoration Advisory Board (RAB): RAB Overview & Mission

This guide will provide information to interested parties about the issue of polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the Grayling, Michigan area.

What is a RAB?

What is a RAB?

A RAB is a stakeholder group that meets on a regular basis to discuss environmental restoration at a specific property that is either currently or was formerly owned by DoD, but where DoD oversees the environmental restoration process. RABs enable people interested in the environmental cleanup at a specific installation to exchange information with representatives of regulatory agencies, the installation, and the community. While the general public can comment on DoD’s environmental restoration program, RABs offer a focused and interactive opportunity to participate in the environmental restoration process.

To learn more about the establishments and operations of RABs, click on the Restoration Advisory Board Handbook link below.


                               Restoration Advisory Board Graphic

RAB image from the Department of Defense RAB Handbook.

RAB Mission and Goals

The Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center Restoration Advisory Board involves local community stakeholders in the environmental restoration process at the Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center either as a RAB community representative or through attendance at RAB meetings. This RAB provides community representatives the opportunity to influence cleanup decisions by providing input and discussing issues directly with the installation decision makers. Further, the RAB offers community representatives and the public the opportunity to share their questions, concerns, and ideas with agencies involved in the cleanup. The focus of the RAB is improving and maintaining public and environmental health.


  • Serve as a community liaison, providing information from the RAB meetings to the community and information from the community to the RAB.
  • Provide RAB Community Representatives with trainings and educational opportunities needed in order to equip Community Representatives with appropriate knowledge to effectively communicate monitoring and restoration activities to the greater Grayling community.
  • Provide constructive, solution-focused input to regulators.
  • Review and comment on technical documents and related site information.
  • Exchange research from global sources regarding environmental restoration.
  • Advise government agencies, regulators, engineers, and installation managers about restoration advances made at Camp Grayling.
  • Maximize effectiveness, while taking into consideration expense, in completing environmental restoration efforts.