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ALH - Medical Support Services: Find Articles

Resources for the Medical Assisting and Medical Billing & Coding Students students

Articles and Where to Find Them

Publications containing articles are referred to as periodicals and come in many forms:

  • scholarly journals
  • trade journals 
  • popular magazines
  • newspapers

Find out more about the different types of periodicals by looking at the Magazine vs. Journals chart from the Austin Community College Library Services department.

Articles provide current information including news, opinions, and research. As a college student, you will not be using magazines like People, Ladies Home Journal, Sports Illustrated, or Vogue. Your instructors expect you to find articles in scholarly journals for your research. 

The best place to find articles is to search the Library's databases. While they contain magazines, journals, and newspapers, some databases may also contain reference books, video files, audio files, and podcasts. The Database Searching guide can help you better understand databases and database searching.

What database will help you find the best articles for this project? Browse Databases by Subject or look at an A-Z list of all databases available through Kirtland's Library.

Searching the Databases off-campus? Use your Single Sign-On username and password to access.

Databases for Your Project

Kirtland librarians recommend the following databases for your project:

Select "Academic Journals" or "Books" as your source type from the Results list.

Not sure how to search a database? The Database Searching guide provides tips on how to efficiently search databases.

HIT - Database Searching (6:50)