Strategic Test Prep
Online Materials:
The Kirtland Library ebooks, eaudiobooks, & streaming video resources are accessible 24/7 by logging in through Single Sign-On. The exception is Libby (formerly OverDrive). Contact the Library for your user ID & PIN to access the online collection of ebooks and eaudiobooks.
Need Materials from the Campus Library?
On-campus? Stop in the Library/Learning Commons to checkout what you need. Your current Kirtland Photo ID is all that is needed to check out materials.
At another Kirtland location or online? Contact the Library staff by phone (989-275-5000 x246) or email ( and we will gather the materials needed and figure out the best and quickest way to get the them to you.
Library Card Application
We ask that all Library users have a Library Card Application on file to ensure that we have your current contact information. You will find the link to the application in the blue box near the top of the Library's home page.