Search databases using the following terms: Chat GPT, ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, or AI.
Articles related to the use of AI in Higher Ed:
The LibGuide from Black Hawk College Library addresses some of the limitations of Chat GPT.
From the University of British Columbia website on Academic Integrity & Chat GPT:
"There are several AI detectors currently in existence, such as GPTZero, Turnitin, and OpenAI’s AI Text Classifier. Despite the availability of such tools, it is important to remember that they might not be fully tested and that the technology to potentially outwit them continues to evolve. The detectors are not foolproof and can produce false negatives and false positives. It may also be possible for the user to modify content to avoid detection.
For those reasons, it is recommended that AI detection tools not be used as the sole factor in decision-making around an allegation of academic misconduct. Privacy considerations might also exist around entering student work into the third-party site without their consent. To avoid privacy issues, instructors should not use these tools to evaluate any student work that contains the name of the student or any other personal information of the student or third parties. While these types of detectors might be experimented with in certain situations, they should not form the basis of a decision."