An article from The Chronicle of Higher Education:
I'm A Student - You Have No Idea How Much We're Using ChatGPT
As educators, we should be proactive when it comes to the use of AI in the classroom. We know students are using it. But, how should instructors approach the use in a course?
The article, Should You Add an AI Policy to Your Syllabus?, from the Chronicle of Education provides some insight.
Here is a rough draft which offers an idea of what you could add to your syllabus. It is a work in progress and suggestions/ideas are welcome:
Chat GPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence are growing in popularity and power. Obviously, I expect each written assignment to be your own personal work, containing your original thoughts and ideas. Chat GPT can be a helpful tool for organizing your thoughts and formulating some basic structural ideas. But ANY use of Chat GPT must be cited just as I expect you to cite any other source used to provide information and assistance as you write your papers. Also, as noted elsewhere in this syllabus, all of your electronic paper and journal submissions MUST include a link to a shared Google Doc (that grants me editing access) that will show me the progress you made in writing your paper. Any papers suspected of being generated by Chat GPT that aren't accompanied by full citations of any Chat GPT assistance and a Google Doc showing your own development of the paper will receive a zero grade.
Listed below are links to Chat GPT course syllabus statements. Statements may include information on faculty who wish to: