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BIO 235 & 236 - Anatomy & Physiology I and II Study Tips

Time Management

How Much Time for A&P?

It is recommended that students spend 2-3 hours outside of class for study, review, and coursework, for each course credit hour.  A&P courses at Kirtland are 4 credits, which equals 8-12 hours each week. Your instructor may suggest you spend more time for their course, based on their experiences and feedback from previous students. 

Here are two examples of how you might calculate the time needed for you A&P course. 

You're taking A&P I on campus.

The class is 4 credits.
You attend class in-person each week.
Plan to spend an additional 12+ hours on studying, review, memorization, and reading.

You're taking A&P I online.

The class is 4 credits.
You watch instructional videos, presentations, read and respond to discussions, and complete other instructional work via Canvas. 
Plan to spend an additional 12+ hours on studying, review, memorization, and reading.

Tips for Time Management

How do you accomplish this?

  • Use a calendar, and keep it updated. Add due dates or other deadlines as soon as you become aware of them.
    • Use Google calendar that comes with your Kmail. You can add the Google Calendar app to your phone to view anywhere.
    • Use the calendar available in Canvas to see upcoming due dates, assignments, and exams.
    • If you prefer a physical planner or calendar, make sure to keep it with you and review it often to keep it up-to-date.
  • Schedule all activities and commitments- work, school, family, and all others.
    • Plan time in your schedule to study, just like you would schedule work or another appointment. Then, follow through and stick to the time you've scheduled.
    • Be realistic and make sure to leave time for rest, exercise, recreation, laundry, commuting, and meals.
    • Life happens, so make minor adjustments as they arise.

Study Timers

Try using the Pomodoro technique, where you'll work on a task followed by a break. This pattern repeats to help keep you on task but also to give you a break periodically. There are many timer videos and apps to help you follow this routine.

A sample from Focus Station on YouTube is below. This timer includes 30 minutes of work time followed by a 10 minute break, and continues for up to six hours. 


Here is another example of a Pomodoro timer from Lots of Colors on YouTube.