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Navigate - Academic Progress

Provides information on attendance criteria and how to create an Early Alert and Progress Report.

Attendance/Participation Criteria

Criteria used to Identify Attendance/Participation 

Attendance/Participation is defined in Kirtland Policy 4.035:

Attending class is essential for student success.

In-person courses: Students are expected to attend all in-person scheduled classes. 

Online courses: Online attendance is defined as regular and substantive participation in class.

Note: Some courses and programs may have additional attendance requirements due to the nature of the program.

Students who fail to attend and participate will be reported as a “No Show” and may be administratively dropped from enrollment. Failure to attend and participate may affect financial aid eligibility.

Participation may include but is not limited to:

  • physically attending a class/lab where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor/parapro and students
  • participating in online requirements (including online discussion boards, blogs, etc.)
  • submitting an academic assignment in class or online 
  • taking a quiz or exam in class or online, completing an interactive tutorial, or participating in computer-assisted instruction.