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Navigate - Academic Progress

Provides information on attendance criteria and how to create an Early Alert and Progress Report.

Progress Reports

What is a Progress Report? 

  • A progress report is a tool used to evaluate student performance in class.
  • It provides information to other staff who can assist the student (tutoring, financial aid, advising, etc).  

When to Create a Progress Report

  • Issue a progress report on a student who is struggling academically.  

Progress Reports will not be available after the withdrawal date.

The Progress Report is emailed to the student. The Success Coach is notified. You will be able to see any open Progress Reports you have created but not see any comments that are added.

For the first week of the semester, issue an Alert when a student is not participating.  

Behavior and improper conduct incidents should be sent to the BIT team (  

If you have questions about Progress Reports, contact your dean/director.

Create a Progress Report Using Navigate      
1. On the Navigate home page, find the section labeled “Students in My Courses.”

2. To the right of the class, click the “Issue an Alert” link.

3. Click the box next to the students’ name.

4. Click “Action” and select "Create a New Progress Report".
DO NOT insert student names in the Comments section when multiple students are selected.

5. Select “Yes” to “Is this student struggling academically?

6. Select as many reason(s) as apply.

7. Address Comments to the student. These comments will also help the Success Coaches as they reach out to the student and pinpoint the help that is needed.

8. Click “Submit Report.”

Revised: 6/20/2023

View the following presentation from the Success Coaches for tips on filling out Progress Reports to provide additional information so they can better help students who are struggling academically.