What is the Enrollment Census Data Campaign?
The Enrollment Census Data Campaign provides information to the Financial Aid Department so they can release financial aid to eligible students in a timely manner.
When an Enrollment Census Data Campaign is initiated, you will receive a request notification email. This email includes a direct link to the screen where you can enter your feedback.
Complete this campaign by the date listed in the email.
NOTE: ALL faculty need to complete this campaign on all students.
Click on the link in the request notification email to view the Student Feedback screen and start entering your feedback. This should take you approximately 2-3 minutes to complete.
For students who have not attended/participated, check the "Never Attended" option and fill in any additional comments.
At the bottom of the form you will notice a checkbox Mark remaining as Active, if you select this option the form will automatically fill in the rest of the unmarked students as “active” for you.
Once you are finished, simply click the “submit” button at the bottom of the page. You will receive a pop up message letting you know that you have successfully completed your feedback.